Tuesday 27 April 2010

Title Sequence

As the title sequence of a film is the first thing the audience sees it is important that it creates the right impression. The title sequence of a film should represent the genre and possible topic of the film. This can be done through the font of the writing, the colours of the font and background and also any images or special effects. We went through the fonts on the computer to chose ours and then began creating the title sequence, but in order to make sure we included all the right information I decided to look at existing sequences on youtube. This clip is the one I looked at first but then we decided we really like the style of it. The editors have used a really good effect on the text and also the backgrounds on each shot look really good. I like the fact that the images flash and flicker and are really dark. It shows that the film is obviously a horror or thriller. The images are appropriate as they are wasps, and the title of the film is the wasp factory. There isn't too much information on the opening titles as this can be shown in the final credits; only the most important appropriate information is shown at the beginning.

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