Sunday 2 May 2010


These are the 2 props that were used to relate the second scene in the kitchen which was just a normal day to the first scene of Kate getting branded with the symbol. I had a choice of 2 books that i thought would be apropriate, the one in the picture called damaged and another called 'don't tell mummy' but eventually we decided to use the book called 'damaged' because we thought it was the most apropriate for what we needed it for.
I printed the list of symbols off that Sophie Bamforth had picked and tried to make them look as old as i could. I did this by firstly staining it with tea bags to make it look aincient and then i went into the garden and rubbed it in the mud to make it look like it has been used alot and again to make it look very old. We wanted it to look old because it looks more thretening and suspicious to the audience. If it was just a piece of fresh white paper the audience wouldnt have been as interested in it.
We thought this tied in well with the scene before becuause if it was just the scene with Kate getting branded and then a normal day straight after it would make little sence to the aundience and cause them to lose intrest.

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