The certificate of our film will be 15. This means that we will be able to include some violence or pain (branding), but not have it as the main focus. This is not something that we wanted to do anyway as we don't intend on our film being too gory. There is a limit as to what we can include, as with any of the other certificates, which may have been a problem had we been wishing to frequently use strong language or show alot of nudity but we aren't, furthermore, by having the rating as 15 it widens our audience age range and for this reason we are willing to comprimise. The one thing that we will have to be careful with with this specific certificate is the use of imitable behaviour (eg self-harming, suicide) as our film includes a scene where Scarlett brands her sister. To make sure we comply with the requirements set by BBFC for the certificates of films we will have to limit how much of the branding we actually show on screen.
The following link show the requirements of a 15 certifcate in more detail:
Similar films with certificate 15
The Exorcism of Emily Rose -A lawyer takes on a negligent homicide case involving a priest who performed an exorcism on a young girl.
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